School Overview

Description and aim

The Solidarity in European Union Law continues to be one of the possible solutions to many of the current critical challenges: management of migrations, refugees, natural and man-made disasters, terrorism and climate change. With this background in mind, this School provides to students all the essential tools to manage Solidarity in every European Union field of application through lectures held by authoritative teachers (especially influential scholars and prominent organizations officers).

The School aims to provide a deep and wide knowledge of Solidarity in European Union Law, building the basis for future implementations of the topic, both in EU and in Partner Countries.

The School fosters a Solidarity European Union Law angle into EU and not-EU related students and stakeholders, providing them all the essential tools to manage Solidarity in every European Union field of application.


Target Groups

University professors, post-doc researchers, PhD candidates, students, high-school teachers, practitioners such as lawyers, trade unionists, public officers, policy makers, international organizations officers.





Admission Requirements

High School Diploma; interest in European Union related topics.




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