Three SoEULaw Lectures on “Solidarity and Migrations in Latin America: the Case of Brazil”

27 April 2021 h 15:45-17:45, 28 April 2021 h 15:45-17:45, 5 May 2021 h 15:45-17:45

The academic staff of the Jean Monnet Module Solidarity in European Union Law is happy to announce three SoEULaw lectures on “Solidarity and Migrations in Latin America: the Case of Brazil”.

Solidarity and Migrations in Latin America: the Case of Brazil – Prof. Tarin Cristino Frota Mont’Alverne

The objective of the course is to identify the peculiarities of the recent international migratory flows to Latin America and to the southern region, to Brazil, whose multiplicities have led to a reconfiguration in the demographic profile and presented new demands for public authorities and public policies. Best practices adopted in Brazil will be presented to share the experience this country has had with the reception of immigrants and refugees. What will distinguish this course is its proposal to ‘speak to’ the world rather than ‘talk about it’. This teaching activity will be based on the valorization of popular knowledge, horizontal cross-cultural dialogues and other experiences.

Tarin Cristino Frota Mont’Alverne is Professor of international private law, national migration policy, law of the sea, international environmental protection and integration law at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Ceará, in Brazil. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Judicial Science Program (Revista NOMOS), Member of the Sea Economy Sector Chamber at the Ceará State Development Agency and Director of the International Law Association Brazil. She is also the coordinator of Jean Monnet Module “Global governance on cross-border pollution: the European Green Deal and its influence in Brazil” (2020-2022) and a researcher of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “The European Union as a model for sustainable development and relations with South America” (2019-2022).


Prof.ssa Tarin Cristino Frota Mont’Alverne – Solidarity and Migrations in Latin America: the Case of Brazil

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